Executive Board

Emrah Coskun

Managing Director

Emrah became our Managing Director in July 2020. Of his many contributions to the business, he is known for his passion and drive for excellence. This has been pivotal for our quality and efficiency policies, but also social value and digital optimisation. Emrah’s innovative and creative outlook into the housing market has given our company a contemporary, industry-leading perspective. Emrah has allowed us to advance our use of modern methods of construction, bringing social, environmental and economic benefits. He advocates streamlined  approach to all aspects of the business, right the way from initial feasibility, detailed design, manufacture, installation and aftercare.

Emrah holds a degree in Civil Engineering, is a Chartered  Engineer, a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and member of the Chartered Institute of Builders (CIOB)

Kashif Aziz

Finance Director

Kashif is an expert financial analyst with over 25 years of solid experience in finance, business operational management and accounting. After completing a degree in business accounting, he began his career in auditing and after taking senior roles of increasing responsibility, in 2013, he accepted the position of Managing Director for a prestigious accountancy practice. Kashif’s expertise in business strategy, operational efficiency and transformational programming have given Steel Homes a strong platform to develop our business from and to carry out thorough financial risk management.

Kashif holds an Honours degree in Business accounting, a fellow membership of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and fellow membership of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

Veli Sanli

Design Director

Veli as Design Director has had several leading roles in our core initiatives such as carbon reduction in our designs, operations and project decisions. Veli has had a pivotal role in streamlining our lean methodology and our sustainability policy. He has championed collaboration with both customers and partners. 

After completing a degree in Interior Design and Technology, Veli began his career as an interior designer while working on projects in increasing value and complexity. Veli has experience in senior positions and has both design management and construction management experience. More recently Veli has completed a Masters degree in Sustainable and Low Energy Architecture. 

Sweena Badhan


Sweena, Director of Steel Homes shares 20 years of expertise through marketing, strategy and is commercially astute as an experienced Business Development Director. Sweena has worked at Ernst & Young, Kent County Council and in the Construction Industry in senior roles.


She heads up the business development team, working closely with Client facing, creating new opportunities with new and existing Clients. She also is a member and the current Chair for the Institute of Directors (IOD) Kent Branch and sits on the Kent & Medway Economic Partnership Board (KMEP).

Sweena also engages as an active Speaker and a champion for Women in Leadership, also a great connector in the business world, she also holds a Professional Diploma in Marketing Management (DipMM), City & Guild Certificate in Further Education in Teaching, registered with CIM, CMI & Member & Chair for the Institute of Directors (IOD).

Management Team

Our professional team is here to help you with any questions or requirements you may have.

Our Core Values...

We will work with you to come up with the very best solutions for your challenges!

Between the Executive Board, we have over 80 years of commercial, design and construction experience. Our values come from our work ethic and what is important to us. 



We seek out new ways of doing things to drive continuous improvement.



We treat everyone equally.



We deliver on our promises.



We work hard for success.



We innovate to create value-led outcomes. 

Delivering on Excellence

Taking our business to greater heights.


Delivering on Excellence is our core business strategy designed to benefit all. It ensures that we deliver value-led solutions and excellence in the decisions we make and the services we provide to our customers. We do this by promoting a positive motivated internal culture.


We have structured our business on 5 pillars:

  • 1. Customers
    • We build trust through transparency and exceptional service.
    • We focus on our skills to better our performance in line with industry trends and development.
    • We work with our customers and partners to create innovative solutions.
  • 2. Workforce
    • We are an inclusive employer that values diversity.
    • We encourage and recognise all employee contribution.
    • We are an expert, fully integrated, multidisciplinary team, that acts as one body.
  • 3. Product
    • Zero Defects is our minimum delivery standard.
    • We adopt lean delivery methods to optimise our productivity and efficiency.
    • Our designs are sustainable, safe and feature all the comforts of home.
    • We are obsessed with quality.
  • 4. Impact
    • Our aim is to reduce our impact on the environment and communities by sharing a common responsibility.
    • We embed an accountability culture in all our activities and operations across the entire business.
    • We have the same expectation of our partners as we have of our workforce.
    • We take an ethical approach.
  • 5. Growth
    • We act with conviction and assurance that impacts our progress.
    • We manage data and risk to predict future outcomes and innovate to gain deep domain experience.
    • We promote a continuous cycle of improvement through learning and advancement.
    • We get better every day.


SAFETY FIRST is a groundbreaking safety initiative that is more than just a policy. It is an ethical code intertwined into everything that we do. 


We take a proactive approach and have a set of codes which form the base of our health and safety culture. 


Everyone deserves to be safe.


Hazards can be mitigated and accidents can be prevented.


Zero Tolerance for unsafe actions, attitude and behaviours.


Staying alert and looking out for each other.

We expect all our colleagues, partners and customers to commit to our SAFETY FIRST culture or adhere to similar principles.  As part of our Corporate Governance, we expect our directors to delivery our strategic aims by driving safety in all our operations.   We expect all our employees in a leadership role to enforce this code to be compliant with legal duties and customer expectations.  We work to ISO 45001, OSHAS 18001, and train staff in accordance with this policy enabling full compliance. 

Manage - Share - Optimise

We understand that collecting and analysing data is key in making better decisions.  We do this in many ways, before construction by digital construction processes and during construction by planned and unplanned site visits where our health and safety managers record details by inspection and then advise appropriately.  Also, we empower our partners to do the same so that monitoring is optimised and the responsibility is shared between all. 

We use this information to innovate, update our methodologies and to regularly review our management procedures to optimise safety performance. 

Site Inductions 

Site inductions are the primary contact we have with operatives entering our sites. As part of the SAFETY FIRST approach, we have streamlined the induction process by creating an online portal that is designed to empower people to  make the right choices onsite. By utilising technology, we have created an innovative method that assigns every operative a unique number and profile which registers site visitors enabling us to extract analytics in how are sites are used. 


We want everyone at Steel Homes and our partners to perceive safety in the same way. Our analysis illustrates that the only way a true safety culture can be adopted is if everyone subscribes to it, SAFETY FIRST reinforces this as it presents safety as a relatable concept to all.. 


“All our decisions impact society, that’s why making responsible decisions is important to us. Our sustainability policy allows us to make these impacts positive.” 

Kashif Aziz

Finance Director

Our purpose at Steel Homes is to design and build high quality, safe and efficient homes and buildings across the country. For us, doing this sustainably and safely is at the core of our business. Our sustainability framework is more than just building green. We focus on two areas, social sustainability and environmental sustainability. 

We create intricate relationships with our clients through continuous dialogue so that we can deliver tailor-made outcomes that add value for all without negatively affecting the environment. We strive to save time, cut waste, reduce costs, mitigate risks and optimise performance through lean six sigma thinking. We believe our activities stimulate economic growth and create opportunities. We also encourage our employees to participate in volunteering. Our directors have STEM experience and hold construction workshops at local schools to give something back to the local community but also to secure the next generation of professionals in the industry. 

Our sustainability thinking is slit up into 8 key areas.


“STEELHOMES is built on being fair and open. We have a ZERO tolerance attitude towards corruption and bribery. This coincides with our values.”

 Emrah Coskun

Managing Director

We are fully compliant with the UK Bribery Act and Anti-Corruption Laws. We are clear on our stance and expect our employees and supply chain partners to fully comply. Every employee has to go through a mandatory induction program which includes ethics. Further training is received as part of professional development. Our directors have over 80 years of leading industry experience between them and are able to identify potential ethical risks. This is why we are selective with who want to work with. 


Steel Homes believes our employees are our best asset. Every person brings their own perspective, training, skills and education to the work place.

By utilising each person’s abilities, we grow as a company and add value to our business.

By bringing workers in from many different backgrounds, we develop a greater set of skills and abilities with which to meet our customer’s needs. Recognising different cultures and groups, our objective is to promote a welcoming workplace where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and grow.

Our policy is to treat all employees and potential employees with respect and equality. Bullying and harassment are unwelcome in the workplace, and everyone has the right to be free of any unwanted behaviour, whether based on pregnancy, race, disability, age, sex, marital status, trans-gender status, civil partnership status, sexuality, political or religious beliefs. All employees have the equal opportunity to fair work policies and to achieve their potential, without discrimination.

Females, males and non-binary people are treated equally, hired without bias to gender, and rewarded according to their contribution.

Our policy is to challenge stereotypes, support employees in their work/life balance, support women who are pregnant, and assist their return to work after maternity leave.

Transgender individuals or those who are planning to undergo gender reassignment are protected against discrimination and harassment. We will protect and support a trans-gender person to ensure respect, dignity and fairness.


Marital Status

People shall be treated with respect and fairness in regard to marital, civic partnership or familial status.


We strive to challenge racial stereotypes and ensure that racial and cultural diversity is represented throughout the organisation.


Persons with disabilities are recognised and valued at Steel Homes. We focus on what a person can do, not on their disability, and challenge any stereotypes. We work to accommodate those with disabilities whenever possible to assist persons in achieving their full career potential.


Age diversity is promoted and valued, and Steel Homes works to challenge age stereotypes while recognising the value of a mixed age workforce.


Religious Beliefs and Political Opinion
Religious and political beliefs and opinions are respected in the workplace, and the freedom to hold those beliefs is protected from intolerance or persecution.


The company shall not allow discrimination against employees or potential employees on the belief or fact that they have HIV and/or AIDS.


An employee or potential employee’s sexuality is to be respected, and employees are to be treated fairly without regard to their sexuality. We will strive to challenge negative stereotypes.

Quality POLICY

“We simplify the process using lean construction methods to create value-led solutions. We employ competent people to tailor our approach, to suit your needs, and to ensure we deliver the best outcomes. We design, manufacture and build to our client’s needs, uncompromising on quality whilst providing exemplary customer care throughout the process. Partner with us to build right the first time”

Veli Sanli

Design Director


  • We are committed to delivering high-quality services and products.
  • Our focus is on our culture of excellence. We achieve quality standards through transparency, trust and respect.
  • We are compliant with legislation and regulations, and we strive to continually improve our services so that we keep our client’s objectives at the heart of what we do.


  • Our Managing Director is responsible for the content of this policy, its implementation and its review. 
  • Our directors are responsible for quality management implementation across their operations and regions. 
  • Senior management such as principals and construction managers are responsible for quality management when delivering their projects, as agreed with our customers. 
  • Our people are required to apply quality management principles to their work at all times. 


  • We operate to ISO 9001 Quality Standards.
  • We comply with law and regulations.
  • We work closely with our partners and customers to ensure we deliver the best quality solutions.
  • We train all our staff to ensure they have the knowledge, resources and tools to implement a quality service.
  • We require an equal commitment, responsibility and methodology towards quality management from our partners.
  • We review, analyse and take feedback seriously, to continually improve and learn as an organisation.


This statement is made under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Although not required by the act, STEEL HOMES makes this statement on our accord. Although STEEL HOMES operates in the UK only, there is still a business risk of facing human trafficking, forced labour and other forms of modern slavery. This statement addresses the policies and practices with all of STEELHOMES’s business operations.

Our Policy


At STEELHOMES we are committed to doing the right thing in everything that we do. Our policies are for us and our supply-chain partners, and we will not engage in business with anyone who violates these laws. We actively seek to work with partners who think like us by ensuring that our procurement processes and due diligence align with our policies.

Our requirement for all our employees is that they take modern slavery training regularly, which is mandatory, and that they know how to deal with such events if they were to arise. We take this very seriously and encourage compliance. STEELHOMES will not tolerate violation of this policy. 

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